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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Clauses and Conjunctions Lessons (x5)

Clauses and Conjunctions Lessons (x5)

A fully resourced weeks worth of lessons focusing on clauses and conjunctions. A useful resource at the start of the year to develop writing skills but can easily be used as a recap tool during the year, or for lessons to be used separately at different points. Included is a full set of lesson PowerPoints which walk through lessons with notes where appropriate, starter activities and activities linked to the learning. Answers are provided for all activities. There are also support sheets where necessary to support pupils, as well as pink and green bubbles to provide scaffold and challenge. All resources are uploaded in PPT format so that they can be easily adapted. The lesson sequence is as follows: Lesson 1 - Main clauses Lesson 2 - Coordinating conjunctions Lesson 3 - Subordinating conjunctions Lesson 4 - Subordinate clauses Lesson 5 - Clauses - a review of the week and the opportunity to practise writing different clause structures.
Handwriting activities

Handwriting activities

Various handwriting sheets that take extracts from books and model how to use the cursive script for children for them to then replicate on the lined guides on the second page. Also useful for exposing children to different extracts from stories and experience language.
English Starter Activities (Year 5/6)

English Starter Activities (Year 5/6)

Starter activity for children to complete in English on a daily basis (if time is available) that focuses on a spelling activity, grammar activity and punctuation activity each day. They cover various aspects of the Year 5/6 English curriculum and can be stuck in books afterwards or filed away to show understanding. New ones will continue to be added.
Nottingham History - Local Study of Nottingham Castle Unit of Work

Nottingham History - Local Study of Nottingham Castle Unit of Work

A six lesson sequence focussing on the history of Nottingham, particularly with focus to the castle, that has been written for KS2 children with the planning, resources and presentation all included. During the six lessons, children also briefly cover key historical events such as the Third Crusade, the English Civil War and elements of the Industrial Revolution. As well as the lesson resources and planning, there is a Nottingham history knowledge organiser and a diamond 9 activity where children can decide what was most important and least important from events at the castle.
Editing Writing (KS2)

Editing Writing (KS2)

A lesson that focuses on being able to edit writing, looking at different word classes such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Everything is included for the lesson including the presentation and three differentiated worksheets. The presentation includes focussing on how different changes can change sentences and change the image in a readers head as well as focussing on how not every sentence needs to be edited or 'improved'.
Eiffel Tower Comprehension Tasks

Eiffel Tower Comprehension Tasks

Included are resources to support developing understanding of the Eiffel Tower as well as then having the opportunity to complete comprehension activities linked to the text. This resource includes: A fact file about the Eiffel Tower 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
France and Paris Landmark Comprehension Bundle

France and Paris Landmark Comprehension Bundle

5 Resources
A bundle of comprehension resources that link to France, Paris and famous landmarks in Paris. Each topic provides the opportunity to learn new information as well as providing the chance to check reading comprehension and understanding of the topic. There are 3 differentiated comprehension tasks per unit as well as vocabulary task, providing 20 activities overall. Each topic includes: A fact file for the topic 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Arc de Triomphe Comprehension Tasks

Arc de Triomphe Comprehension Tasks

Included are resources to support developing understanding of the Arc de Triomphe as well as then having the opportunity to complete comprehension activities linked to the text. This resource includes: A fact file about the Arc de Triomphe 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Paris Comprehension Tasks

Paris Comprehension Tasks

Included are resources to support developing understanding of Paris as well as then having the opportunity to complete comprehension activities linked to the text. This resource includes: A fact file about Paris 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
France Comprehension Tasks

France Comprehension Tasks

Included are resources to support developing understanding of France as well as then having the opportunity to complete comprehension activities linked to the text. This resource includes: A fact file about France 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Diwali Reading Comprehension

Diwali Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension resource that acts as an introduction/ general overview for the religious festival of Diwali, considering what Diwali is, when it is celebrated, what Diwali celebrates and how it is celebrated. This resource includes: A fact file about Diwali (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes) 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Adjectives and Nouns Lesson

Adjectives and Nouns Lesson

A lesson that focuses on being able to recap word classes with a particular focus on nouns and adjectives. Included in the resource is a lesson PowerPoint that recaps regularly as a class what a noun, verb, adjective and adverb are before focusing particularly on nouns (with a focus on common and proper nouns) and adjectives. Also included are five different activities to choose from depending on which is most appropriate for your class or that can then be chosen for specific groups of children. Answers are included where possible. These activities include: Naming nouns based on the images provided and then giving these adjectives (images courtesy of Pixabay) Sorting nouns into common and proper nouns before creating adjectives for the common nouns Defining nouns and adjectives and finding examples in sentences Defining nouns and adjectives as well as creating examples of common nouns and proper nouns before giving common nouns adjectives Using a given word in two sentences - once as a noun and once as an adjective
Parts of a Plant Reading Comprehension

Parts of a Plant Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension resource that focuses on parts of a plant, providing information about the different parts of a plant and the role they play as well as activities linked to this to check understanding. The fact file includes a brief introduction before focusing on the different parts of the plant and the role they have. This includes roots, the stem, leaves, flowers and fruit. The resource includes: A fact file about parts of a plant mentioned above (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes) 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.


A word mat/ poster of generalisers and how they can be used in sentences to help with writing in information texts to help children who may struggle for ideas.
The Explorer Reading Comprehension Lessons 3 to 6

The Explorer Reading Comprehension Lessons 3 to 6

Comprehension lessons three to six for the story ‘The Explorer’ that focus on different comprehension skills based on the the first and second chapter of the story. Included is the PowerPoint which has all the lesson structures in (easily adaptable) as well as the activities and answer sheets (where there aren’t answers provided it is because the expectation is around class discussion or because answers are too wide ranging). The first two lessons can be found for free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-explorer-reading-comprehension-lessons-1-and-2-12373104 N.B. You will need a copy of the book as the chapters aren’t included due to copyright.
The Explorer Reading Comprehension Lessons 11 to 14

The Explorer Reading Comprehension Lessons 11 to 14

Comprehension lessons eleven to fourteen for the story ‘The Explorer’ that focus on different comprehension skills based on the the fifth chapter of the story. Included is the PowerPoint which has all the lesson structures in (easily adaptable) as well as the activities and answer sheets (where there aren’t answers provided it is because the expectation is around class discussion or because answers are too wide ranging). The first two lessons can be found for free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-explorer-reading-comprehension-lessons-1-and-2-12373104 N.B. You will need a copy of the book as the chapters aren’t included due to copyright.
The Explorer Reading Comprehension Lessons 7 to 10

The Explorer Reading Comprehension Lessons 7 to 10

Comprehension lessons seven to ten for the story ‘The Explorer’ that focus on different comprehension skills based on the the third chapter of the story in 2 halves (see notes on PPT). Included is the PowerPoint which has all the lesson structures in (easily adaptable) as well as the activities and answer sheets (where there aren’t answers provided it is because the expectation is around class discussion or because answers are too wide ranging). The first two lessons can be found for free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-explorer-reading-comprehension-lessons-1-and-2-12373104 N.B. You will need a copy of the book as the chapters aren’t included due to copyright.